Frequently Asked Questions

Here, we don’t harm cats. So, for the curious gentlemen this page is dedicated to you. Enjoy!
Q: Why don’t you show your face?
A: This stage in my life is a bookmark, and like any bookmark it moves around the book you are reading. When I finally finish this book, I do not want this bookmark carrying over to the next one.
Q: How do I access your bodyrub or drain session menu?
A: In efforts to keep my website simple and user friendly, my bodyrub menu is ONLY available on under the city that I am currently touring in. Any other questions concerning bodyrubs please reach out to me directly.
Q: Are you from Atlanta?
A: I live in Atlanta, but I was born and raised in Chicago. White Sox fan’s stand up!
Q: Where did Amori come from?
A: The Spanish word for love is "amor" so, I threw an “i” at the end and made it a lady.
Q: Do you do duo’s?
A: I keep my men like I keep my secrets—to myself.
Q: Do you like Greektown?
A: No
Q: Can I use you as a reference?
A: After 3 dates, absolutely!