Commitment and Cancellations

Starting in January 2021, these policies are in full effect.
No “I have been scammed before” stories will be taken into consideration, neither will there be any other discussions held to persuade an exception. Simply put, no deposit no date.
Your deposit is only to be sent AFTER you have successfully completed screening. Please fill out the booking form in its entirety FIRST.
Upon screening approval, please send your deposit to the accepted payment methods below to solidify your appointment.
Cashapp - Please send 25% of your desired appointment donation to $AmbitionLLC
Cancellations/No Shows
In the event that I have to cancel our date, your deposit will be 100% refunded.
In the event that you need to cancel our date, the credit can be used to reschedule within 6 months from the original date time unless otherwise, the deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE!
Extreme cases, please email me. COVID-19 is not an extreme case.
If you are deemed a No Call/No Show, your deposit will obviously not be refunded and there will a $100 fee assessed to rebook.
**If you have read these policies and you understand them, please proceed to the Booking tab**